Citing a Tweet in APA Style (6th Edition) | Format & Examples
When using information from Twitter, make sure you use the right APA reference. You should also take the privacy policy of Twitter-posts into account.
APA-format | AuthorLastName, Initials. [Twitterhandle]. (Year, Month Day). ContentTweet [Tweet]. Retrieved from http://WebAdress |
In reference list | Gates, B. (2015, July 23). For poor countries, development isn’t just about foreign aid. Investment and taxes matter just as much, if not more: [Tweet]. Retrieved from |
In the text |
Open example in APA Citation Generator |
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This Scribbr articleDriessen, K. (November 6, 2020). Citing a Tweet in APA Style (6th Edition) | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from